"The entry into a realm, a realm of a walk after the rain, of travels, of falling stars, of wrecks of the past, of sails and kites, of skipping games, is not only exciting, but also supportive of the impulse towards self-indulgence and contemplation. There are no
borders in this realm, created by colours. Our thought and perceptions soar on the wings of abstract forms and notions, collide against concrete details, and sink in the depths of the subconscious.

This is the world of art: the world of the pictures of Milcho Talev. The artist leads us, helps us in our first steps and after that leaves us to continue on our own, to find our exit, to reach to the idea which is not necessarily identical with that of the author. The viewer is allowed to take his own road in the field of fantasy, of beauty and aesthetics.

Milcho Talev's works are filled with powerful inner charge, warmth and sensitivity and, despite their pronounced abstract nature; they are free from the sterility of cold abstractness. They have their rich plasticity developed in its profundity, their composed colour and composition, their whole evocation without contravention. They are created in a wide chromatic range - from a monochromic range to rich colourfulness. They have refined sensitivity in their tackling of hue and direct full tome. The accents - colour spots, geometrical figures or signs - suggest the idea and support the author's concept, without imposing any one-sided reception.

The use of inconspicuous and unimposing details, which are at the same time familiar to us all, complements the implication. That exists in a perfectly harmonious and effective pictorial dimension, far from the amorphous pretentiousness typical of many others.

One of Talev's important qualities is diversity. The separate pictures have their own expressiveness, atmosphere; at the same time, they are united by the bright, individual expressive style of the artist. He says, "If they are too close and similar, I am bored of painting them and people are tired of seeing them." We notice some repetitiveness in the pictures joint in a cycle; in that case the two, three or four canvasses exist as a single work of art. In Talev's exhibitions, one does not feel, after having seen the first five pictures, that one has seen all the rest.

The artist's works, made in the classic oil, on canvas tradition, have a powerful aesthetic and modern quality. They are works that one cannot ignore. They have placed Milcho Talev among the artists who create art and not just use painting tools.

These artists are in fact not too many."